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GaryIvey.Com Posts

It’s Here!

It’s here! I got my own copy of “Quest for a King,” my third novel and the first book in the Age of the Kingdom series. It’s available NOW! Find out more at or order from OR “anywhere books are sold,” as in, your local bookstore can order it for you.

Here’s what some friends who have read advance copies have said:

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Five Reasons Christians Should Read the Old Testament

Christians usually spend more of their Bible study time in the New Testament. That makes sense, because Christians are focused on Christ and The New Testament is where we learn about Christ and his ministry in the Gospels, then the growth and development of Jesus Christ’s Church in the rest of the New Testament.

Not only that, but the message of the New Testament is more palatable. The word “Gospel” means “Good News,” after all, and who doesn’t like good news? Also, Jesus’ message is all about love, or at least that’s what we like to emphasize. “God is love.” That’s a direct quote from Jesus.

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So I did a thing…

In 2010 I began working on something that I called Thine Is the Kingdom. It was a historical novel based on the book of 1st Samuel in the Bible. I wrote it from the viewpoint of a number of characters, some named in the Bible, some mentioned but not named, and some fictional. The fictional characters actually took center stage.

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“What Is Truth?”

Examining the historicity of 1st & 2nd Samuel, continued

In the previous post, I started my look at the historicity of some of the favorite stories in the Bible, which are the subject of my new novel Quest for a King, the first book of the proposed “Age of the Kingdom” series. The title “What Is Truth” is a quote of Pontius Pilate, when he was questioning Christ. Today, it is popular for people to talk about “my truth,” as if you can pick and choose what you believe to be true, but that is just a cop-out and gives permission to avoid truths that make people uncomfortable.

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“Really Truly Stories”

Examining the historicity of 1st & 2nd Samuel

I read A LOT as a child.

I attended a very small denominationally operated school with a fittingly small library. By the time I left the school I had read every book in the library at least once.

I remember from my childhood a series of books called “Really Truly Stories.” I don’t remember reading them, but I always remembered the name of the series.

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The Joys and Pitfalls of Writing Historical Fiction

I’ve always loved history. I know, I’m a nerd, but not just a history nerd; I’ve been a band nerd, an audio-visual nerd and a coding nerd.

I love history enough that I have always read books on history and watched documentaries without it being required so, in college, I discovered that I could take sociology courses to fulfill my humanities requirement. As a result, I didn’t take a single history course in college. I figured I already knew it all (!).

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Update on What I’ve Been Up To

So every once in a while, I do a personal blog, as opposed to a political blog, to update on what’s been going on.

I haven’t posted about this until now, because it was a new thing, and I wasn’t sure how I’d do, but I just wrote a screenplay “for hire.” It is based on the story of Philip Hicks, of Jesus Behind Bars ministry, who became a Christian after being shot in the course of a burglary and spent about five years in prison. But that was a miracle, because he was originally given consecutive life, plus 10, plus 5 years sentences. Hicks’ book is titled “The Cross and the .357 Magnum.” It was a great experience and my second (official) draft has been approved!

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10 Reasons the Push to Electric Cars Will Make Us Poorer

Articles this week declared that California is moving forward with a total ban on the sale of gasoline powered vehicles by 2035. Everyone knows that California is a state on wheels, with around 2 million vehicle registrations each year, so that is a huge move that will have far-reaching effects. Technically it is new gasoline-powered vehicle sales that are banned. Used gas vehicles could still be sold and traded. Currently, only 12% of new cars sales in California are plug-in electric vehicles.

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