Climate Alarmists have been claiming for years that “the Science is settled,” so there’s no longer any reason to discuss Climate Change; we must ACT. Why, they say, 97% (or some such number) of scientists agree that climate change is an existential threat.
But a group of 1,600 scientists from around the world just blew a hole in that argument. The Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) has released a declaration denying the existence of a climate emergency and instead highlights the beneficial nature of carbon dioxide.
That latter part is hardly surprising; any farmer worth his salt knows that carbon dioxide is plant food. Plants MUST have carbon dioxide for photosynthesis to make our food. The declaration says that increased carbon dioxide causes “increased biomass” which means increased food production.
After reiterating that there is “no climate emergency…” they went on to say that climate science should be “less political” and climate POLICIES should be more scientific.
Science free of politics? Politics not infecting science? What a concept!
The 1600 signatories emphasized that politicians should “dispassionately(!)” count the costs of their policies as well as “imagined benefits.”
The paper also emphasized (as I have) that some of the effects of Climate Change are actually POSITIVE. It focused on the benefits of increased carbon dioxide as a boon to food production, which brings the price down and fights starvation.
“Zilch, Zero, Nada”
The declaration even dared to call out climate alarmists’ track records. It recounts the prediction in 1970, the year of the first Earth Day, that there would be a new ice age by the beginning of the 21st century. Of course, that is diametrically opposed to the “global warming” predictions that were in vogue a few years later, and it never happened. The signers also mention a 1982 prediction by Mostafa Tolba, then executive director of the UN’s environmental program. He predicted an “environmental catastrophe” by 2000. Then they mention NASA’s James Hansen, who said the Arctic would be ice free by 2018.

Obviously, NONE of these, or the myriad other dire predictions of climate alarmists, have come to pass. Yet they continue to be given credence by the media, Big Tech and many government entities and politicians.
Concerning those last policy-making entities, the declaration mentions the negative impact on Americans of banning common appliances in the name of combating climate change.
It’s true that 1,600 scientists is not a big percentage of scientists globally, but the points in their declaration need to be taken seriously and answered rationally by climate alarmists. And who knows how many other scientists are too afraid to speak out for fear of losing research funding, not having research published or being denied positions in academia?
One thing the declaration didn’t deal with is the agenda behind climate alarmism: the destruction of capitalism and our first world way of life. Recently, when a few climate activists blocked a road on a Native American reservation, someone put a sign on their blockade that said, “End Capitalism.” That gave away the game.
If the climate alarmists and their fellow travelers get their way, it will result in much suffering and death, as sources of energy dry up and poor substitutes fail to provide as much energy as is needed. If people cannot get the energy to heat and cool their homes, many will die in the extremes of cold and heat in their seasons, and the supply chain will break down, leaving many without the means to feed themselves.
Hollywood is fond of depicting dystopian futures, usually after a nuclear war, but that will not be necessary. All that is needed for a bleak, disastrous future is for leftists to succeed.
Download the Declaration here.
Photo by Edward Jenner,