by Gary Ivey | Apr 26, 2011 | Current Posts
Jay Carney, the relatively new Press Secretary for President Obama, stepped in it this week when journalists asked him why there was no formal Easter Proclamation from the president this year, like past presidents have done for most of our history. Carney’s...
by Gary Ivey | Apr 23, 2011 | Current Posts
I have a book that I had nearly forgotten about until I was rearranging one of my floor-to-ceiling shelves today. It was most appropriate that I found it today, between Good Friday and Easter. The title is “I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus”. The...
by Gary Ivey | Apr 20, 2011 | Current Posts
In a speech at a Virginia college, President Obama said, “I want to live in a country that’s fair.” Now who could disagree with that? Certainly not most of those college students, who, if they are like most young people, are easily stirred up with...
by Gary Ivey | Apr 19, 2011 | Current Posts
I had to look it up online to be sure I heard right after hearing a byte from President Obama’s speech last Wednesday. Apparently, referring to the Bush tax cuts, he did actually say we’ve got to reduce the “spending in our tax code.” Huh?...
by Gary Ivey | Apr 16, 2011 | Current Posts
I never thought it would happen, but Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” has finally been released and it is great! (official website) Actually, just Part 1 was released yesterday. It will be a trilogy, since the book is over 1,000 pages. It’s been...
by Gary Ivey | Apr 15, 2011 | Current Posts
I didn’t get to hear President Obama’s speech on the budget the other day because it was in the middle of the day and I work for a living, but the excerpts I’ve heard have been very disappointing, I understand Obama recommends taxing the rich. How...