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Category: Current Posts

Happy Days Are Here Again!

The unemployment numbers were released today and the MSM is ecstatic!  Eight-point-nine!  Why that’s almost as good as it was at the beginning of the last year of the George W. Bush administration; you know, when it was the worst economy in 50 years!

The Obama Administration is rejoicing, but I’d say it’s more likely that the improvement is due to the judicial ruling that the Obama Health Care law is unconstitutional.  After all, what employer wants to lock in a bunch of new employees, not knowing what will finally shake out of the monstrosity that came out of the Health Care takeover.  The possibility that businesses and local governments may not be forced to take on the overwhelming expense of the Health Care debacle (like those already exempted) is certainly generating some optimism.

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The Unions’ War on Jobs

Am I the only one who thinks it’s ironic that the government employee unions in several states are demonstrating AGAINST modifying their benefits and therefore IN FAVOR of layoffs that must surely come?  If you are a low-level union member you’ve got to know your leadership is throwing you under the bus.

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