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Tag: Old Testament

It’s Here!

It’s here! I got my own copy of “Quest for a King,” my third novel and the first book in the Age of the Kingdom series. It’s available NOW! Find out more at or order from OR “anywhere books are sold,” as in, your local bookstore can order it for you.

Here’s what some friends who have read advance copies have said:

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Five Reasons Christians Should Read the Old Testament

Christians usually spend more of their Bible study time in the New Testament. That makes sense, because Christians are focused on Christ and The New Testament is where we learn about Christ and his ministry in the Gospels, then the growth and development of Jesus Christ’s Church in the rest of the New Testament.

Not only that, but the message of the New Testament is more palatable. The word “Gospel” means “Good News,” after all, and who doesn’t like good news? Also, Jesus’ message is all about love, or at least that’s what we like to emphasize. “God is love.” That’s a direct quote from Jesus.

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