A few months ago I posted that my screenplay “Looking For Morning” had taken the top prize at the Branson International Film Festival. Since then it has won two more times and been a runner up, finalist or official selection at five other festivals. You can read synopses of all my screenplays on my screenplays page.
But there is more news, another of my feature-length screenplays, “Vale Of Shadows” is an official selection at the 2022 Branson International Film Festival, which is held in April, and my short film script Kapi’olani, is an official selection at the WPRN.tv Film Festival. Winners will be announced in March.

I began writing screenplays decades ago, but only began submitting to festivals at the end of 2020. Needless to say the response has been very gratifying.
If that’s not enough, I recently signed with a manager, Tammie Smith of Smith International Productions, which is a company that handles all aspects of production and is really producing movies. We’ll see what happens…
And as they say on late-night TV infomercials, “But there’s more!” I’m also adapting my novel, “Backlash” as a feature-length screenplay, because there’s a possibility someone will be able to raise funding for it. You can learn more about Backlash at backlashbook.com