Much has happened since my last post. For one thing, “Looking For Morning” is an official selection at three more festivals: Action On Film, Hollywood Dreams and the No Risk Fee Fest. All three are held concurrently in Las Vegas, NV July 26-Aug. 1. I’ve also submitted “Looking For Morning” to Hollywood Divine Festival and the Beyond Entertainment Festival. Selections will be announced Aug. 31 an Sept. 1 respectively.

After Branson, I went back to the mainland to the annual International Christian Film and Video Festival in Orlando, FL. I didn’t have anything submitted there, but I was able to further cement relationships formed at Branson and meet a few other people, as well as see some films, attend some educational seminars and attend the awards ceremony where a couple of people I met in Branson won awards.
I was able to sit down with some of the directors and producers I met in Branson and talk about possible future collaborations.
Another opportunity has presented itself. A local man here in Hawaii wants to talk about turning his experiences during the volcanic eruption of 2018 into a film. I don’t want to say more until I’m able to talk to him, but it would be a great, unique opportunity.
Recently I submitted another screenplay, “Vale of Shadows” to the 25th annual Fade In Thriller festival. I should know if it gets selected after July 29.
Go to my screenplays page to read synopses.