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Collision or Convergence?

Until now I’ve written fiction (Like my “Backlash” series and the unpublished “Thine Is the Kingdom“), but I am taking a nonfiction book to the Oregon Christian Writer’s conference in two weeks, titled “Collision or Convergence: Surprising Ways Science and Faith Now Confirm One Another.”

Pew Research says that as much as 75% of Christian young people stop attending church between their high school graduation and their 23rd birthday. The primary reason is that they are unprepared for the relentlessly naturalistic, evolutionist stance of secular academia. This is a tragedy not just because they may put their eternal salvation at risk, but because it is not necessary.

What the academics, dominant news media and biased tech companies from Google to Wikipedia don’t tell you is that today, there are just as many scientific reasons to reject evolution as there are reasons to reject Faith. Note I said “scientific reasons.” In this book, I will explore the ways in which Science now confirms rather than refuting the teachings of Christian Faith, as well as trends within the Christian communion which allow surprising harmony between Faith and Science.

Each chapter examines a different scientific discipline and how recent discoveries point to confirmations of Faith. The book isn’t finished (nonfiction is different from fiction in that it is not required that the writing be finished before presenting it to agents and publishers), but below is the table of contents as it currently stands.



Chapter 1: Science and Faith ̶ The Extremes Are Not the Whole Story (Setting the stage)

Chapter 2: The Doctor Is In ̶ The Science In Which We All Participate (Medical Science)

Chapter 3: New Respect for the Biblical Text ̶ Archeology Has Buttressed the Reliability of the Biblical Text Instead of Refuting It (Archeology)

Chapter 4: Evolution vs. Creation ̶ The Unbridgeable Chasm? How Some on Both Sides Have Moved Toward the Other (Biology)

Chapter 5: The Heavens Declare ̶ How Astronomy and Cosmology Are Converging With Faith (Astronomy and Cosmology)

Chapter 6: Written In Stone ̶ How Geology and Paleontology are Challenging Darwinism      (Geology and Paleontology)

Chapter 7: (Title TBD) ̶ Strange Directions in Physics Hint at the Possibility of a Spirit Realm (Physics)

Chapter 8: The Amazing Living Cell ̶ How the Physiology of the Cell, Genetics and DNA Are Undermining Unguided Naturalism (Microbiology)

Chapter 9: Can Genesis and Science Agree? ̶ More Importantly, Can Christians Agree to Disagree? (The new-earth and old-earth-creationist divide among Christians)

Chapter 10: Naked Ape Or Special Creation? ̶ Why Humans Are More Than Just the Most Recent Step in Evolution (Cognitive, moral and creative differences between humans and animals)

Chapter 11: Tying It All Together ̶ Can We Conclude That Science and Faith Can Coexist? (Recap and conclusions)




    • Gary Ivey
      Gary Ivey July 29, 2019

      Thanks Barry! It will be a while, because I’m trying to get an agent to get it traditionally published so it can reach a wider audience. And then I’ve got to finish it!

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