by Gary Ivey | Apr 28, 2021 | Current Posts
I have just returned from Branson, MO, where my screenplay, “Looking For Morning” was awarded the “Best Script” honor. In addition, it won the “Audience Choice – Best Pitch” award by a vote of those present. Right after...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 13, 2021 | Current Posts
On Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021, I received exciting news that my screenplay entitled “Looking for Morning” has been selected as a finalist for “Best Screenplay” in the 2021 Branson International Film Festival, to be held in Branson, MO, April...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 7, 2021 | Current Posts
(Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata from Pexels) In a recent Daily Wire article, the point was made that if you quadrupled the current output of wind and solar “renewable” energy in the US, it would still only provide 25% of our electrical energy needs. I...
by Gary Ivey | Jan 31, 2021 | Current Events, Current Posts, Energy and Environment, Loony Lefties, Politics
This week president Biden appointed former senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate John Kerry as his climate czar, despite the Kerry family owning multiple homes, a fleet of cars and a private jet, which all use tremendous amounts of energy. Arguably,...
by Gary Ivey | Dec 6, 2020 | Current Posts
I’ve not posted anything on this blog during this election, though there has been a lot I could have said. And this post is not about what I hope the outcome will be. If you have read other posts here, you know where I stand. In this post, I want to instead...
by Gary Ivey | Oct 10, 2020 | Current Posts
Joe Biden won’t say if he’ll pack the Supreme Court, but one thing he has said very clearly: he will repeal the Trump tax cuts. But the tax cuts were the primary engine of the record-setting economy we had during the first three years of the Trump administration,...
by Gary Ivey | May 15, 2020 | Current Events, Current Posts
I hear a lot of people, especially during the pandemic, but before as well, saying “Listen to the Science” and accusing anyone who disagrees with them of being “Anti-Science.” There are several big problems with this. “Science”...
by Gary Ivey | Apr 4, 2020 | Current Posts
There’s plenty of bad news because of the Covid-19 outbreak and the restrictions that have been put in place to combat it, but it occurs to me that there are also some good things that will descend from it as well. Hand Washing Is Vital to Staying Healthy. It has...
by Gary Ivey | Oct 30, 2019 | Current Posts
I don’t just write words…I also write music. If you haven’t checked out my music page, it features music I have written (one of which is an arrangement, but the rest are original compositions). I just added an orchestral composition called...
by Gary Ivey | Sep 25, 2019 | Current Posts
Indie Author News featured the first novel in my “Backlash” series today! You can see the post here. If you want more information you can get it at, including how to order it and the sequel, “Backlash 2: Justice Denied” from...