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GaryIvey.Com Posts

Could Reducing Drilling for Oil Make Electric Cars More Expensive?

When President Joe Biden was campaigning, he repeatedly promised to end fossil fuels in America. There’ll be “no more drilling, including offshore,” he said. “No ability for the oil industry to drill. No more pipelines.”

Since his election, he has taken many steps to make drilling for oil more difficult to impossible. The point is to force Americans to adopt electric cars. But electric vehicles are MUCH MORE expensive than conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles. Stopping drilling for oil will make them even more expensive.

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The Mother of All Scandals

Back in September, 2021, when President Biden was threatening to force all businesses with more than 200 employees to require their workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, I wrote a post listing 37 questions which occurred to me concerning the pandemic and the response to it. Since then I have begun reading “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (pictured)

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Our Love-Hate Relationship With Oil

$6.00 per gallon gasoline? Looks like it’s happening.

In my novel series, “Backlash,” I examine how political philosophy influences energy policy and how manipulation of energy policy affects ordinary people in their daily lives. In the first book of the series, a punitive gasoline tax on top of existing fuel taxes, increases the price of a gallon of gasoline to $6.00 per gallon. We are seeing prices in that neighborhood today.

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“Backlash” Featured on “Relatable Voice” Podcast

Gary Ivey was recently interviewed about his novel series “Backlash” on “The Relatable Voice” podcast, hosted by Lucia Matuonto.

Listen here:

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The Relatable Voice is also available on Google Podcasts, Breaker, and Radio public.

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Are Environmental Activists to Blame for the Invasion of Ukraine?

The price of a barrel of oil is approaching $120. In 2020 it was less than $50. This is very good for Russia. If that hadn’t happened, Vladimir Putin wouldn’t have been able to afford the invasion of Ukraine. But why did it happen?

Recently it has come out that environmental activists worked with Putin to convince the European countries on the other end of Putin’s oil pipelines that Climate Change was such an emergency that they needed to drastically cut their oil production.

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Screenplay Update

A few months ago I posted that my screenplay “Looking For Morning” had taken the top prize at the Branson International Film Festival. Since then it has won two more times and been a runner up, finalist or official selection at five other festivals. You can read synopses of all my screenplays on my screenplays page.

But there is more news, another of my feature-length screenplays, “Vale Of Shadows” is an official selection at the 2022 Branson International Film Festival, which is held in April, and my short film script Kapi’olani, is an official selection at the Film Festival. Winners will be announced in March.

Vale Of Shadows

I began writing screenplays decades ago, but only began submitting to festivals at the end of 2020. Needless to say the response has been very gratifying.

If that’s not enough, I recently signed with a manager, Tammie Smith of Smith International Productions, which is a company that handles all aspects of production and is really producing movies. We’ll see what happens…

And as they say on late-night TV infomercials, “But there’s more!” I’m also adapting my novel, “Backlash” as a feature-length screenplay, because there’s a possibility someone will be able to raise funding for it. You can learn more about Backlash at

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“Backlash” Featured on The Author Show

I was recently interviewed for The Author Show podcast. The finished interview will be available On Demand on The Author Show website all day Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022.

The interview is about 15 min. long and was conducted by Linda Thompson, one of several hosts of the podcast, which began in 2005 and features authors of all genres (except erotic) on multiple online channels. The Author Show is based in Arizona and since 2005 has interviewed more than 5,000 authors.

I was able to talk about both “Backlash” and “Backlash 2: Justice Denied” because Thompson had read both books in preparation for the interview. I also talked about the influences on my writing and the life experiences which gave birth to these books.

“Tune in” on Jan. 18 to hear the interview.

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