by Gary Ivey | Mar 7, 2011 | Current Posts
Does it strike anyone else as strange that the MSM is all Ga-Ga (not “Lady”) over the “democratic revolutions” taking place in the Middle East and North Africa? Has it not occurred to them that democracy might not be a good thing in countries...
by Gary Ivey | Mar 4, 2011 | Current Posts
The unemployment numbers were released today and the MSM is ecstatic! Eight-point-nine! Why that’s almost as good as it was at the beginning of the last year of the George W. Bush administration; you know, when it was the worst economy in 50 years! The Obama...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 27, 2011 | Old Posts
February 15, 2010 Today it was revealed that the good Dr. Jones of East Anglia University (see Dec. 6), who shares the Global Warming Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, has admitted that the earth has been COOLING since 1995! Whew! What a relief! This...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 27, 2011 | Current Posts
Am I the only one who thinks it’s ironic that the government employee unions in several states are demonstrating AGAINST modifying their benefits and therefore IN FAVOR of layoffs that must surely come? If you are a low-level union member you’ve got to...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 26, 2011 | Old Posts
December 6, 2009 It’s official: There is no global warming happening because of human activity. We aren’t causing it and we can’t do anything to stop it. We know that now because of the information that has come to light in the past couple of...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 26, 2011 | Old Posts
November 3, 2009 I wonder how many people are aware of the mandates in the proposed Health Care Reform bills? Only someone in love with government could look at millions who don’t have health insurance (47 million? 30 million? 17 million?) and say,...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 26, 2011 | Old Posts
October 23, 2009 I’m feeling hopeful today. Maybe change is on the way.President Obama campaigned successfully using the focus-grouped slogan “Hope and Change”. Today I found reason to hope. Lately, the Obama administration has had...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 26, 2011 | Old Posts
October 19, 2009 This just in: The president’s chief advisor, David Axelrod, is dumber than a bag of hammers. He appeared on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopolos on Sunday and backed up White House Communications Director Anita Dunn’s...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 26, 2011 | Old Posts
October 17, 2009 A month ago today I referred to MS-NBC’s falsified report that Town Hall protesters were bringing guns to Town Hall meetings as an intimidation tactic (“A Black and White Issue – NOT!” – September 17). At MS-NBC the...
by Gary Ivey | Feb 26, 2011 | Old Posts
October 10, 2009 It appeared that President Obama himself was actually embarrassed when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this week. He said in his statement that he wasn’t expecting it and didn’t deserve it. Truer words were never spoken. Of course...