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Update on What I’ve Been Up To

So every once in a while, I do a personal blog, as opposed to a political blog, to update on what’s been going on.

I haven’t posted about this until now, because it was a new thing, and I wasn’t sure how I’d do, but I just wrote a screenplay “for hire.” It is based on the story of Philip Hicks, of Jesus Behind Bars ministry, who became a Christian after being shot in the course of a burglary and spent about five years in prison. But that was a miracle, because he was originally given consecutive life, plus 10, plus 5 years sentences. Hicks’ book is titled “The Cross and the .357 Magnum.” It was a great experience and my second (official) draft has been approved!

I had already adapted a couple of books for the screen, but they haven’t been produced. A couple are my own books, which you can see on my books and screenplays pages. First, adapted Backlash (vol. 1) as a feature film, and now I’m developing Thine is the Kingdom as a TV series, working title “Age of the Kingdom.”

I also adapted my screenplay “Looking for Morning” as a novel. An agent is looking at it, so we’ll see what happens.

Because I’ve now adapted several books as screenplays (including one I didn’t have the rights to, which I did for practice and will never see the light of day), I was privileged to teach a couple of classes on adapting books for film at the Beyond Entertainment Family Film Festival in Cape Coral, Florida in September. I got to meet a lot of great people and I also got to sit in on several great presenters and add to my knowledge.

Something happened last January that I haven’t mentioned because these things take time (and nothing may happen) is that three of my screenplays are with a producer, Smith International Products, and are considered in “pre-production.” In real terms, that means someone is (hopefully) looking for funding and if they are able to arrange it, one or more of them will get made. The three screenplays are “Looking for Morning,” “Vale of Shadows” and “Flyboy.” Fingers Crossed!

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