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The Surprising Thing That Is Saving Us from Climate Change

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It’s cloud illusions I recall
I really don’t know clouds at all
. – Joni Mitchell

A recent article by Thade Andy on highlights criticism of the climate-emergency narrative by Nobel-Prize-winning physicist Dr. John F. Clauser. He calls climate alarmism “a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.”

That is the opposite of the accepted narrative and he emphasizes some of the same things I have mentioned, namely: could there be positive outcomes from climate change as well as negative ones?

That’s a question that is never asked, never mind answered. My example was Global Warming could result in longer growing seasons, more food production, making food cheaper and more plentiful. In short, could Global Warming eliminate hunger? Wouldn’t that be good?

Clauser’s example concerns CO2. Carbon Dioxide has become the boogie-man of climate-change alarmists, but as Clauser points out “an informed discussion about CO2 would recognize its importance in sustaining plant life…there is no climate crisis and that increasing CO2 concentrations will benefit the world.”

Conversely, the mania to reduce CO2 emissions COULD harm the world, after all, no CO2 = no plants = no life on earth.

Then Clauser makes a point that is amazing in its simplicity about something that could very well solve the climate change problem: CLOUDS. Between one-third and two thirds of the Earth’s surface are covered by clouds at any given time. They are continuously created by evaporation from the world’s oceans.

The great thing is that clouds reflect the sunlight back into space before it can reach the Earth’s surface to heat it. Clauser says they act like a natural thermostat, regulating the Earth’s temperature. In fact, he says this temperature-regulating effect is more than 50 TIMES as strong as the warming effect of CO2.

So the hotter it gets, the more clouds are created by evaporation and the more cooling effect occurs, returning global temperatures to moderate levels. Climate alarmists have consistently ignored this simple fact of the temperature-regulating effect of clouds in order to make their alarming claims, but nature has already provided a way to keep the Earth’s temperature under control.

I guess the climate alarmists “really don’t know clouds at all.”

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