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Lessons From Boston

Last week was a week of tragedy. In Boston the tragedy was intentional. In Texas it was accidental. There were efforts right off the bat to make political hay out of the first one. The second one was almost lost in the focus of the Northeastern Media on Boston, even though Texas was the bigger tragedy.

The Obama administration acknowledged the tragedies, but is focused on two initiatives: gun control and immigration reform. Interestingly, the Boston terror attack has much to tell us about both.

Yes, the Chechen terrorists were legal, naturalized citizens, not illegal immigrants, but their successful attack provides usĀ  with a frightening preview of what could have already come across our porous borders. The focus of liberals on amnesty while ignoring border security was incomprehensible two weeks ago, but after Boston, it seems insane to fight severe methods of securing the border. Also, amnesty should only be available to those who can pass a friend-or-foe test. If we learn nothing else from Boston, we must learn that, even when people come to our shores legally and become citizens, they bear watching.

The other lesson from Boston is that, in Massachusetts, where gun laws are strong and it’s almost impossible to own a gun, the authorities had to tell all civilians to cower in their homes because a wounded 19-year-old was on the loose. That’s kind of sad really.

Here in the South, the powers-that-be could have told everyone to load their 22’s, their 12-gauges and their Glocks, corner the guy and take him out. I’m not saying that’s what the authorities would have done, but they could. And we would.

One survey said that, whereas Americans were afraid after 9-11, after Boston they were just MAD. There are a lot of people who defend themselves with guns everyday. Most of them don’t have to fire the guns, but they don’t have to cower in their homes waiting for misguided teenagers to attack.

So, viewed from that perspective, it was a bad week for the liberal’s policies, although the media won’t portray it as I have.

Of course the other lesson was obvious enough, and just as unpalatable to liberals. There is no truce in the jihad on the part of the Islamist extremists. But the Boston Globe told us that Islam “might have had a secondary role” in the attacks. Perhaps the Globe should adopt as its mascot the ostrich.

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