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Category: Loony Lefties

“You’ve Made Your Bed…”

The first presidential debate was this past Thursday. 51 million people watched. For some, it was a revelation. It revealed, not just how much worse President Biden’s cognitive decline has gotten, but also how much we had been lied to by his campaign, his administration and the “main-stream” media.

Just days before the debate, we were told in no uncertain terms that the videos we saw of Biden having to be guided back to his mark or off stages was right-wing “cheap fakes” and the president was as sharp as a tack in private. It was apparently only in public where he reminded everyone who has an older parent or grandparent of when they had to take away the car keys.

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Regressive Progressives and Democrats Against Democracy

There has been a lot of hand-wringing and hyperventilating about “threats to democracy” coming from the left side of the aisle in our country, ever since Trump supporters got upset on January 6, 2021. I still think they were egged on by Fed plants in the crowd and it might never have happened without them.

But as I’ve often said, Democrats are not self-aware and don’t know the meaning of the word “irony,” because ever since January 6, they have been doing everything in their power to threaten democracy. It was the most inept insurrection in history; no one even brought guns.

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Is President Biden to Blame for the UAW Strike?

The American automakers, General Motors, Ford Motor Company and Chrysler (now owned by Stellantis) are all being struck at once (at selected plants) in a first-ever industry-wide strike.

President Joe Biden likes to be called the Union President. He claims to identify with lunchpail, blue-collar workers, who have traditionally been union members, at least in the Northeast.

So it shouldn’t be a stretch to say he is sympathetic to the plight of union members in the current United Auto Workers strike. But does that mean he’s to blame?

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Unsettled Science

Climate Alarmists have been claiming for years that “the Science is settled,” so there’s no longer any reason to discuss Climate Change; we must ACT. Why, they say, 97% (or some such number) of scientists agree that climate change is an existential threat.

But a group of 1,600 scientists from around the world just blew a hole in that argument. The Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) has released a declaration denying the existence of a climate emergency and instead highlights the beneficial nature of carbon dioxide.

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We Must See Past the Lies

Recently I took one of those Facebook surveys. I usually ignore them, because I know they are mostly clickbait and probably wanting to sell you something, but in this case I respected the source of the survey.

It was posted by Prager University, the online teaching tool of Dennis Prager’s company, which also produces his daily radio show. Here is the list of multiple-choice questions:

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Could Reducing Drilling for Oil Make Electric Cars More Expensive?

When President Joe Biden was campaigning, he repeatedly promised to end fossil fuels in America. There’ll be “no more drilling, including offshore,” he said. “No ability for the oil industry to drill. No more pipelines.”

Since his election, he has taken many steps to make drilling for oil more difficult to impossible. The point is to force Americans to adopt electric cars. But electric vehicles are MUCH MORE expensive than conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles. Stopping drilling for oil will make them even more expensive.

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Our Love-Hate Relationship With Oil

$6.00 per gallon gasoline? Looks like it’s happening.

In my novel series, “Backlash,” I examine how political philosophy influences energy policy and how manipulation of energy policy affects ordinary people in their daily lives. In the first book of the series, a punitive gasoline tax on top of existing fuel taxes, increases the price of a gallon of gasoline to $6.00 per gallon. We are seeing prices in that neighborhood today.

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Climate Change: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

This week president Biden appointed former senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate John Kerry as his climate czar, despite the Kerry family owning multiple homes, a fleet of cars and a private jet, which all use tremendous amounts of energy. Arguably, the Kerry family has a carbon footprint many times that of the average American. However, that does not stop John Kerry from lecturing average Americans about their use of energy; in fact he wasted no time informing hard-working Americans that many of them would likely lose their jobs as he transitions us to “renewable” modes of energy.

When talking about climate change, we are told by the dominant culture that the “science is settled” and no discussion is necessary. Like a lot of other things at the moment, we average Americans are told to sit down, shut up and accept what our betters tell us.

But is that the right way to approach climate change? I would suggest that there are many things to consider when discussing climate change. It is not a single subject; there are multiple questions to consider and the answers to those questions should determine what policies are put in place. Here is my list of the questions that should be considered, but which we are told not to consider.

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The Socialist Headache

A couple of days ago, I heard that, after Amazon decided not to put its east coast headquarters in Long Island City, New York, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rejoiced at the “victory” and remarked that the $3 billion New York would have “spent” could be used by the state to create their own jobs. Here’s part of what she said:

“If we were willing to give Amazon…$3 billion for this deal we could invest those $3 billion in our district ourselves if we wanted to.”

When I heard that my palm hit my forehead so hard I got a headache.

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