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Who Do You Hurt, When You “Tax the Rich”?

Joe Biden won’t say if he’ll pack the Supreme Court, but one thing he has said very clearly: he will repeal the Trump tax cuts. But the tax cuts were the primary engine of the record-setting economy we had during the first three years of the Trump administration, where employment was higher than in the last 60 years (or forever) for African-Americans, Hispanics and women.

Kamala Harris insists they will only raise taxes on people making $400,000 per year, as if that makes it okay, but that just shows Biden-Harris don’t understand economics.

Who do you hurt, when you “tax the rich”? You don’t hurt the rich. They have the wherewithal to change their situation so they aren’t hurt. If you raise taxes on people making over $400,000, the people who get hurt are those making less than $400,000, because most of them work for the people making over $400,000 per year.

If someone who makes $2 million per year, let’s say, gets a tax increase of $100,000, that’s a bitter pill, no question, but it doesn’t bankrupt them. If they own a business, they may lay some people off to keep the business solvent, so they people who work for them are the ones who get hurt.

Or they may just decide not to buy a new car this year or take an expensive vacation. But that hurts the salesman who missed out on the commission he would have made on the sale of a new car. It hurts mechanic who checks out the new cars before they are sold. It hurts the truck driver who may not need to make as many trips to the dealership with loads of new cars on his trailer. It hurts the auto worker who may get his hours cut because demand for new cars has fallen. It hurts the independent companies who supply parts to the auto manufacturer and all their factory employees. We could take it further to include those who supply raw materials from which the car is made.

And if that person making $2 million per year decides not to take an expensive vacation? That hurts hotel maids and maintenance men, hotel desk clerks and bellmen, restaurant waitresses and bus boys, etc., not to mention airline employees, like mechanics, flight attendants and pilots whose hours might be cut, because of reduced demand and therefore, they are needed less.

Biden-Harris have tried to blame President Trump for the downturn in the economy, due to the COVID-19 shutdown, not to mention the rioting, which has destroyed many small businesses which may not be able to come back. But in this, they show they don’t think WE understand economics. We know that the president did what they wanted him to do, shutting down the best economy in 60 years, to stop the spread of a disease we didn’t understand. They insisted he do it precisely so they could blame him for the economic difficulty that would obviously result.

Obama-Biden ran on “Hope and Change”. We got lots of change, but lost hope. They didn’t create the crash of 2008, but they did everything they could to keep us from recovering from it. Obama ridiculed Trump for saying he would bring manufacturing jobs back, but he did, to the tune of 500,000 manufacturing jobs alone.

President Trump restored our hope that things can be better; that our lives can be better, our futures can be better. President Trump gives us hope that COVID-19 can be beaten; Biden-Harris promise a national mask mandate. President Trump gives us hope that justice will be done when people abuse the system to enrich themselves; Biden-Harris will sweep it all under the rug.

President Trump has exposed massive corruption in our government and the media, and that’s why they must destroy him. And that’s why we must re-elect him.

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