by Gary Ivey | Oct 26, 2011 | Current Posts
There were high fives all around at the White House at the news that Moammar Qaddafi had been finally caught and killed, so Libya followed Egypt in toppling a long-standing dictatorship (Mubarak was technically President), which itself followed Iraq and the deposition...
by Gary Ivey | Oct 22, 2011 | Current Posts
Liberals don’t seem to want to be called “Liberals” and Leftists don’t ever want to be known as “Leftists”. Socialists and Communists never seem to want to be called what they are either. “Progressive” is the term...
by Gary Ivey | Oct 15, 2011 | Current Posts
The surprising ascendancy of Herman Cain to the top of the Republican presidential hopeful heap has been interesting, but since we have 13 months before the presidential election, it may or may not make any difference. However, the prospect of an election featuring...
by Gary Ivey | Oct 14, 2011 | Current Posts
“Ask five economists and you’ll get five different explanations — six if one went to Harvard.” Edgar Fiedler’s quote came to mind as I was thinking about the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors. It seems if you ask five of them what they are...
by Gary Ivey | Oct 6, 2011 | Current Posts
I left work early today, which allowed me to hear an exchange on the Michael Medved radio show that I would have missed otherwise. I must say, I have never heard the mild-mannered Medved as exercised as he was with this caller. The discussion was about the death of...
by Gary Ivey | Sep 24, 2011 | Current Posts
Some people are saying the Solyndra scandal is President Obama’s Watergate. Maybe so, maybe not. A lot of people certainly have a lot of “splainin'” to do about half a billion dollars of taxpayer money going down the drain. President Obama himself...