by Gary Ivey | Oct 12, 2013 | Current Posts, Government Abuse
I have a theory about President Obama’s governing style. By “governing style”, I mean his unwillingness or inability to negotiate or even relate to anybody in Congress, including Democrats, regarding the shutdown, the debt ceiling, or anything else....
by Gary Ivey | Aug 19, 2013 | Current Posts, ObamaCare
So my insurance agent says my policy will end but she can’t give me a new one yet, because the regulations haven’t been written outlining what all must be covered. Meanwhile my premium has doubled since Obama took office and who knows what the premium will...
by Gary Ivey | Aug 15, 2013 | Current Posts, ObamaCare
So my health insurance is being cancelled and replaced with a different policy that satisfies ObamaCare. The problem with my current policy is it doesn’t cover maternity or birth control pills, which Washington DC has decided I, as a 61year old man, must be...
by Gary Ivey | Aug 6, 2013 | Current Posts, Government Abuse
We’ve reached a point in America where the day-to-day events are so outrageous that they demand addressing, but there are so many outrageous events on so many days that we have outrage fatigue. Several months ago I wrote about the Daily Outrage, and if I had had...
by Gary Ivey | Jul 10, 2013 | Current Posts, ObamaCare
President Obama recently said he wants government to be “smarter” in how it provides services to its citizens. Unfortunately, that’s now how he has governed. Below is a real chart showing how the ObamaCare Exchanges are supposed to work. This is NOT...
by Gary Ivey | Jul 7, 2013 | Current Posts, Loony Lefties
When I was very young I learned the “wise saying” that admonishes “Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. In the age of social media, some people just can’t shut up. Over Fourth of July, at least 30...