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Category: Loony Lefties

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

When I was very young I learned the “wise saying” that admonishes “Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. In the age of social media, some people just can’t shut up.

Over Fourth of July, at least 30 people put on Twitter messages to the effect: “Happy Birthday America! I can’t believe you’re 2,013 years old!” (link). Oh wow!

I realize I’m not typical, in that I actually LIKE history and study it on purpose, but how does anyone get to be in high school or college, as I’m assuming most of these 30 people are, without “1776” ever registering in their consciousness? Just reading the holiday sales ads should get you that far.

There’s a lot that could be said about the shortcomings of our educational system in failing to educate people with the most basic information about the country in which they were born, but there may actually be a bigger contributory problem.

Most of us understand that 2013 is the number of years back to when our calendar says Jesus Christ was born. It’s not quite right of course, we now know, but that’s how the dating started. However, Academia has mounted a largely successful, concerted effort to change “B.C.” and “A.D.” to “B.C.E” (Before the Common Era) and “C.E.” (the Common Era). So in schools today, the student never asks, “What does ‘BC’ mean?” and never hears “Before Christ”.

The notion of time being split by the greatest event in history – the appearance of the Son of God in human form – is earth-shaking in its audacity, but even more so because virtually the whole world accepted it for centuries.

“The Common Era”, on the other hand, sounds like an arbitrary division that came out of a university teachers lounge so history professors wouldn’t have to count so high it involved math.

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Wishful Thinking, Part Deux

In my last exciting episode, “Wishful Thinking“, I posited that liberal ideology is based on wishful thinking. Specific recent examples were the tragic death of our Libyan ambassador in Benghazi, which could have been avoided if the Obama State Department had been clear-eyed about the Arab Spring, plus the contraction of the economy in the last quarter of 2012, when we had “negative growth” instead of the recovery the administration and the Obama-fawning media assured us was under way.

Another glaring example of liberal wishful thinking is the left’s position on gun control. It’s difficult for me to even talk about it because the liberal position is so obviously and tragically flawed that it shouldn’t require refutation.

What reasonable person wouldn’t understand that making innocent people defenseless does nothing to protect them from people who have evil intent and no regard for the law?

But that may lead us to the nut of the problem: Liberals don’t believe in evil. Except for Republicans. Exhibit A from another field of liberal wishful thinking: the Environment and alternative energy. Global-warming evangelist Al Gore recently sold his Current TV network to, of all people, Al-Jazeera, the terrorist coddling propaganda outlet that is financed with Middle Eastern oil interests. Glen Beck, conservative TV, radio and Internet mogul, tried to buy it, but Gore obviously considered oil-money-financed, Muslim apologists better than an American conservative to revive his money-losing network.

Other examples abound, such as Obama administration officials gushing about Mao Tse Tung, who murdered five times as many Chinese as Hitler did European Jews.

Liberals don’t believe in “bad guys”, which is how most people see those who gun down innocents in malls and schools. The left believe those who use guns to commit crimes wouldn’t have hurt anyone if there hadn’t been guns available. The other side of that coin is that, for liberals, ANYONE who has access to a gun is a potential mass murderer, because it is the gun that is the problem. People can’t be expected to control their own actions; they are at the mercy of their surroundings. If a gun is nearby, it is likely to take possession of someone and they will use it to kill a lot of people.

That is obviously hogwash.

More people are killed every year with baseball bats than with “assault weapons”. People with anger issues will find a way to hurt others whether a gun is available or not. People who believe in the reality of evil and the need for redemption, like Christians, understand that evil is real and dangerous, and that, if you are responsible, you will protect those whom you love from those who would do you harm, even while you pray for their salvation.

Ironically, it is the permissiveness of liberal child rearing that creates the personality disorders that lead to violent crimes. Families without fathers, one result of indulgent welfare policy and permissiveness toward promiscuity, is a leading cause of delinquency, growth of gang violence, etc. Again, an unrealistic view of the potential for evil prevents liberals from disciplining children. Undisciplined children may grow into resentful, unhappy and potentially dangerous adults. Moral relativism destroys respect for the life and property of others. A sense of entitlement engendered by a lack of childhood discipline and self restraint breeds adults who will take whatever they want, by force if necessary.

The people who legally and responsibly carry guns stop crimes of theft and murder every week. Usually they don’t even have to fire the gun. Just the awareness that someone else has a gun nearly always stops a ne’er-do-well in his tracks. In the case of the Sandy Hook tragedy, the deranged gunman shot himself as soon as the police arrived and fired a warning shot into the ceiling. People like him are not wanting to get into a firefight. They want to prey on defenseless people in “gun-free” zones.

And liberal politicians want to make more of us defenseless sitting ducks.

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Wishful Thinking

So the American Economy had negative growth in the fourth quarter of 2012 and the White House is blaming Republicans. This, along with the recent testimony of Secretary of State Clinton regarding the Benghazi boondoggle, got me to thinking. While the two things are not really related they do descend from a philosophy that permeates the left wing ideologues that hold power currently.

Essentially, left-wing ideology is built on wishful thinking.

This is most easily seen in the Benghazi affair and the events leading up to it, along with accompanying events in Egypt.

We were told by the Obama administration and career bureaucrats in the State Department that the “Arab Spring” was the rise of secular democracy in the 10-40 window, where monarchies and dictatorships had been the norm for so long. In Obama’s world, “change” is always good, especially if change moves us away from Western values and interests. In recent years, Libya’s Qaddafi, like Egypt’s Mubarak, had walked the thin line of cooperation with the West and detente with Israel, while making hard-line speeches to their people to keep their Islamic bona fides intact.

By our Western Civ., liberal democracy standards, Qaddafi and Mubarak were both horrible dictators, but it was wishful thinking on the part of liberals to believe that anything would be better than them. Conservatives who warned that the Muslim Brotherhood would fill the vacuum if the relatively moderate dictators were removed were mocked and vilified. Yet that is exactly what is happening. The Muslim Brotherhood is the only entity prepared to fill the power vacuum, so in Egypt, Morsi is clamping down in much the same way as Mubarak did, and the Egyptian revolution may have traded frying pan for fire.

In Libya, the best that can be said is that wishful thinking prevented taking action that would have protected the people on the ground from the radical Islamic elements that attacked and killed our ambassador and three others who tried to come to his aid. Pollyanna-worthy denials of additional security, lest the Muslims be offended, allowed the attack to happen and also prevented rescue. We learned recently that Marines boarding helicopters for Benghazi were forbidden to wear American military uniforms, because that would reveal that the “Arab Spring” was not what the Obama administration sorely wanted it to be.

But the wishful thinking of the left can be seen in the economy too. Unlike the robust fourth quarters during which Reagan, Clinton and George W. Bush were reelected, we were only TOLD the economy was turning around under Obama, to ensure his reelection. Now reality has reared its ugly head.

After four years of anemic growth in GDP during which the Obama administration blamed Bush for the continuing job losses and unemployment figures that appeared better than reality because they ignored people whose unemployment ran out, we at last have actual negative growth figures.

Economists are shocked!

I can’t say that I am. In economics more than anything else, Marxists tend to always believe with fanatical loyalty that their ideas will work and the Free Market will not, in spite of all evidence to the contrary. So when the dismal report came out, the White House blamed Republicans in the House of Representatives. At least they didn’t blame Bush by name.

But, the House has passed numerous bills and budgets which have gone into the black hole known as Harry Reid’s office, never to be heard from again. The House acts, the Senate does nothing and the White House calls Republicans “obstructionists”.

If only wishing would make the economy come up roses and bring world peace!

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