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Category: Energy and Environment

Our Love-Hate Relationship With Oil

$6.00 per gallon gasoline? Looks like it’s happening.

In my novel series, “Backlash,” I examine how political philosophy influences energy policy and how manipulation of energy policy affects ordinary people in their daily lives. In the first book of the series, a punitive gasoline tax on top of existing fuel taxes, increases the price of a gallon of gasoline to $6.00 per gallon. We are seeing prices in that neighborhood today.

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Are Environmental Activists to Blame for the Invasion of Ukraine?

The price of a barrel of oil is approaching $120. In 2020 it was less than $50. This is very good for Russia. If that hadn’t happened, Vladimir Putin wouldn’t have been able to afford the invasion of Ukraine. But why did it happen?

Recently it has come out that environmental activists worked with Putin to convince the European countries on the other end of Putin’s oil pipelines that Climate Change was such an emergency that they needed to drastically cut their oil production.

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“Backlash” Featured on The Author Show

I was recently interviewed for The Author Show podcast. The finished interview will be available On Demand on The Author Show website all day Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022.

The interview is about 15 min. long and was conducted by Linda Thompson, one of several hosts of the podcast, which began in 2005 and features authors of all genres (except erotic) on multiple online channels. The Author Show is based in Arizona and since 2005 has interviewed more than 5,000 authors.

I was able to talk about both “Backlash” and “Backlash 2: Justice Denied” because Thompson had read both books in preparation for the interview. I also talked about the influences on my writing and the life experiences which gave birth to these books.

“Tune in” on Jan. 18 to hear the interview.

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Climate Change: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

This week president Biden appointed former senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate John Kerry as his climate czar, despite the Kerry family owning multiple homes, a fleet of cars and a private jet, which all use tremendous amounts of energy. Arguably, the Kerry family has a carbon footprint many times that of the average American. However, that does not stop John Kerry from lecturing average Americans about their use of energy; in fact he wasted no time informing hard-working Americans that many of them would likely lose their jobs as he transitions us to “renewable” modes of energy.

When talking about climate change, we are told by the dominant culture that the “science is settled” and no discussion is necessary. Like a lot of other things at the moment, we average Americans are told to sit down, shut up and accept what our betters tell us.

But is that the right way to approach climate change? I would suggest that there are many things to consider when discussing climate change. It is not a single subject; there are multiple questions to consider and the answers to those questions should determine what policies are put in place. Here is my list of the questions that should be considered, but which we are told not to consider.

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