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Author: Gary Ivey

Fiddling (around) While the World Burns

Barack Obama revealed his picks for the Final Four this week.  I’m certainly glad the waiting is over!

I’m so glad he didn’t waste time encouraging Congress to get an actual budget done.

He also didn’t waste time on that pesky Libyan civil war.  And his spokesman told reporters that they should ask their colleagues on site if they had questions about the disaster in Japan.  Apparently the administration doesn’t have anything to tell the press about it.  I mean after all, Obama has to pack for Rio, right?

I must admit, he HAS had a full schedule, what with golf every Saturday and White House parties with celebrities every Wednesday night.

It’s so great that there’s nothing going on right now that would cut into the President’s social schedule, isn’t it?

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Defending the Taxpayers of Wisconsin

The Republicans outsmarted the Democrats in the Wisconsin state senate by voting to strip the intransigent unions of certain “rights” including collective bargaining.  They were able to do this without a quorum by removing all the funding elements from the bill.  Since Federal workers do not have collective bargaining and FDR was opposed to the existence of government unions period, it’s tough to see how collective bargaining can be a “right” at all.

Completely missing the irony, union members still demonstrating at the capitol in Madison called the Republicans “cowards”, and presumably admired the Democratic senators who turned tail and ran to Illinois almost three weeks ago rather than stay to debate and defend their position.

Adding to the irony was the fact that the MSM today revealed confidential emails that they said indicated that Governor Scott Walker was about to cave to the Democrats.  I’m sure Governor Walker was thinking “What Democrats?”

We also learned today that there are bus drivers in Wisconsin making $100,000 per year in OVERTIME pay.  When Democrats are in the majority, there is no management to oppose labor in state government; the Democrats give away the store.  So as a result there are multiple states that are on the verge of economic collapse.  Perhaps now Wisconsin taxpayers have some politicians that will fight for them against the blindly selfish unions.

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Hard Times Ahead?

The Federal Budget Deficit set a new record – $223 Billion – not for the year, but for the MONTH of February! The Deficit for the entire YEAR of 2007 was only $163 Billion!  And we were dissatisfied with George W. Bush because he was such a spendthrift!

The Euphoria over the unemployment number falling to 8.9% has made some think the economy is getting better, but the inflation that is the natural result of the out-of-control spending of the Federal government has already started.

I fear that hard times are coming and we all need to get ready.

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Democracy Bustin’ Out All Over!

Does it strike anyone else as strange that the MSM is all Ga-Ga (not “Lady”) over the “democratic revolutions” taking place in the Middle East and North Africa?  Has it not occurred to them that democracy might not be a good thing in countries where 85 percent of the people believe anyone who converts from Islam to Christianity should be killed by whoever happens to be standing next to them at the time?

The liberals seem to have a blind spot where Islam is concerned, ascribing virtues to Muslims that they simply don’t have.  This myopia is the other side of the coin to their blind hatred of George W. Bush and his War on Terror and the attempted introduction of Democracy in Iraq.

Maybe there are people in those chanting crowds and machine-gun wielding militia that identify with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, but I wonder.  The female reporter from NBC who was gang raped by an Egyptian mob chanting “Jew! Jew! Jew!” (though she is not Jewish) might have a different idea.

And while we’re at it, perhaps we need to remind the MSM and even George W. Bush that the United States is not intended to be a Democracy.  The pledge doesn’t say “And to the Democracy for which it stands” and the Constitution never uses the word “Democracy”.  In a true Democracy, the majority rules and the minority gets trampled.  In our Republic, we use democratic processes, but there are structures in place to protect us from actual Democracy.

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Happy Days Are Here Again!

The unemployment numbers were released today and the MSM is ecstatic!  Eight-point-nine!  Why that’s almost as good as it was at the beginning of the last year of the George W. Bush administration; you know, when it was the worst economy in 50 years!

The Obama Administration is rejoicing, but I’d say it’s more likely that the improvement is due to the judicial ruling that the Obama Health Care law is unconstitutional.  After all, what employer wants to lock in a bunch of new employees, not knowing what will finally shake out of the monstrosity that came out of the Health Care takeover.  The possibility that businesses and local governments may not be forced to take on the overwhelming expense of the Health Care debacle (like those already exempted) is certainly generating some optimism.

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Our Climate Change Which Art…. Update

February 15, 2010

Today it was revealed that the good Dr. Jones of East Anglia University (see Dec. 6), who shares the Global Warming Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, has admitted that the earth has been COOLING since 1995!  Whew!  What a relief!

This admission was accompanied by the equally shocking admission that worldwide temperatures were hotter during Medieval times (the historical period, not the dinner theater) than they are now.

After this it wasn’t particularly surprising that Dr. Jones could not (or would not) produce the original research on which the entire global warming hysteria has been based.  Seems he’s not very organized, so the research is buried under one of many stacks of papers in his byzantine office; an entirely reasonable explanation.

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The Unions’ War on Jobs

Am I the only one who thinks it’s ironic that the government employee unions in several states are demonstrating AGAINST modifying their benefits and therefore IN FAVOR of layoffs that must surely come?  If you are a low-level union member you’ve got to know your leadership is throwing you under the bus.

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Our Climate Change Which Art In Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name…

December 6, 2009

It’s official: There is no global warming happening because of human activity.  We aren’t causing it and we can’t do anything to stop it.

We know that now because of the information that has come to light in the past couple of weeks about the outright falsification of data by British and American scientists who did the original tree-ring research that became the basis for the whole global warming hysteria that we now know was a hoax.

Due to the leak of scores, perhaps hundreds, of incriminating emails, we now know that, in order to get the result they wanted, the scientists limited their sample to just three (count ’em: 1, 2, 3) trees.  Not three regions of the world or three species of trees but three trees!  That was the only way to get the evidence to read the way they wanted.

Then to avoid discovery, they covered up what they had done and eventually destroyed their research to prevent the standard peer review in which other scientists would attempt to reproduce their results.

This shows that what some people have said is true: the environmental hysteria of the past decades is nothing but a religion; a religion in which True Believers cling to their faith regardless of evidence to the contrary.

One such item of evidence is that the ice caps are melting on Mars.  It shouldn’t be hard to connect the dots that if that is happening on Mars, the ice caps melting on earth is either nothing to worry about or there is nothing we can do about it.

But there is other evidence that says the ice caps are growing again and that average earth temperatures have been DECREASING for as much as 18 years.  In other words, we are experiencing Global Cooling.  The temperatures go up for a while, then they come down and the movement has been less than two degrees worldwide.

Also debunked has been the hockey-stick graph we’ve all seen, in which global temperatures, after being relatively even, shoot up at an alarming rate.  We now know that that computer model was rigged to get that result.  As all computer programmers know, GIGO.

Of course there are principled, conscientious scientists, just like there are objective, conscientious journalists, but the Global Warming hoax may have damaged science in the same way that Jason Blair and Dan Rather’s National Guard documents damaged the Main Stream Media: people may be a lot less willing to just take them at their word.  How many other scientific topics are skewed by political and social prejudices?  They said the science on Global Warming was decided; no more discussion needed.  They say the same thing about Evolution.


In the wake of Climategate, there have been calls from members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to take back the Oscar Al Gore won for his “documentary” about Global Warming, An Inconvenient Truth.  Also, Gore, the Evangelist of the Church of Climate Change, has cancelled his speech at the Climate Change summit in Copenhagen which starts tomorrow.

Another result: President Obama’s Cap and Trade legislation is DOA.

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If All Else Fails, Use Force

November 3, 2009

I wonder how many people are aware of the mandates in the proposed Health Care Reform bills?

Only someone in love with government could look at millions who don’t have health insurance (47 million? 30 million? 17 million?) and say, “Isn’t it a shame that all these people don’t have health care?  We need to do something!” and what they decide to do is REQUIRE everyone to BUY health insurance or pay a FINE!

This is the biggest reason that government-run healthcare is a bad idea as far as I’m concerned: enforcement.

There shouldn’t be any discussion of fines and imprisonment in connection with choosing a doctor, yet the government health care plans always do.  A doctor can go to jail for treating someone he’s not supposed to, either because they aren’t in his list or because they aren’t approved for the treatment.  Ordinary people can go to jail if they go to a doctor they aren’t supposed to go to or if they (horrors!) pay cash for services.

So while there are people who are wishing, hoping, longing for “free” health care from Obama, the Democrats are thinking about how much they can collect in fines and how many of us they can put in prison.

At least insurance companies can’t put you in jail for going to a doctor out of network.

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“Hope and Change”

October 23, 2009

I’m feeling hopeful today.  Maybe change is on the way.

President Obama campaigned successfully using the focus-grouped slogan “Hope and Change”.  Today I found reason to hope.  Lately, the Obama administration has had a full-court press against Fox News, with multiple administration officials saying publicly that Fox was not a “real news organization”.  I wondered why the other news organizations were not concerned about this seed of totalitarianism growing in the Obama administration. 

Thankfully the MSM (Mainstream Media) has stepped up.  When the “Pay Czar” announced he would sit for “pool” interviews for all the networks concerning his efforts to violate the pay contracts for top executives of the banks and investment companies that took bailout money, he made it a point to say he would be interviewed by all the networks EXCEPT Fox News.

In an unprecedented challenge to the Obama administration, the other television networks all answered, “If Fox News doesn’t get an interview, none of us will take an interview!” or words to that effect.  The Obama administration had no choice but to back down and Fox got its interview.

So, I’m feeling HOPEful today.  Maybe the MSM is will CHANGE the way it covers Obama and remember its responsibility to hold politicians accountable.

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