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Month: October 2020

Who Do You Hurt, When You “Tax the Rich”?

Joe Biden won’t say if he’ll pack the Supreme Court, but one thing he has said very clearly: he will repeal the Trump tax cuts. But the tax cuts were the primary engine of the record-setting economy we had during the first three years of the Trump administration, where employment was higher than in the last 60 years (or forever) for African-Americans, Hispanics and women.

Kamala Harris insists they will only raise taxes on people making $400,000 per year, as if that makes it okay, but that just shows Biden-Harris don’t understand economics.

Who do you hurt, when you “tax the rich”? You don’t hurt the rich. They have the wherewithal to change their situation so they aren’t hurt. If you raise taxes on people making over $400,000, the people who get hurt are those making less than $400,000, because most of them work for the people making over $400,000 per year.

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