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The Marvelous Millennials

FedEx Shooting
The 19-year-old who shot up the FedEx facility about 50 miles away from where I sit, exhibited the precise characteristics that make “Millennials” problematic in the workplace.

Watching the news video, you see that his friend said he shot 6 people and COMMITTED SUICIDE because he wasn’t given a day off he had requested.


This is how you react when your boss can’t give you the day off? Reading a little about Millennials and the workplace will tell you that this man’s reaction is extreme but in character, because Millennials have always been told they are special. They’ve always gotten a trophy for showing up.

His friend also says he didn’t feel appreciated on the job. That’s because Millennials feel like they need to be rewarded beyond their paychecks for simply doing routine tasks that are part of their job descriptions. So just doing your job should be cause for huge rewards, and if you don’t get them, you have been disrespected.

Add that to the teen who last week murdered the girl who rejected his prom invitation and you have downright scary goings-on.

We always knew the culture of not keeping score and everybody-gets-a-trophy would come back to bite us and it is.

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