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nob”E”l For Effort

October 10, 2009

It appeared that President Obama himself was actually embarrassed when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this week.  He said in his statement that he wasn’t expecting it and didn’t deserve it.

Truer words were never spoken.

Of course the Nobel Peace Prize has pretty much been meaningless ever since it was awarded to Yassir Arafat.  That made pretty much as much sense as awarding the Country Music Associations’s Artist of the Year award to Charles Manson.

Just as puzzling was the Nobel Committee’s choice of Al Gore a few years ago.  Al Gore was vice president during the Clinton Administration, which studiously ignored the growth of Al Qaida despite at least four major terror attacks on American interests.  So how did Al Gore warrant the Nobel Peace Prize?  Why by championing Global Warming, that’s how.  The Nobel Committee’s convoluted logic was as impossible to follow as the basis of the Global Warming/Climate Change theory itself: It was something about wars starting because it was hot… I don’t know.

In order for Obama to win the Prize this year, he had to have been nominated in FEBRUARY, approximately two weeks after he became president. Of course soon after, he began his European Apology Tour, in which he missed no opportunity to bash the United States and Israel.  That probably clinched the award for him.

The Nobel Committee said it was awarding the prize to Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

For his “efforts”?  So it wasn’t for anything he’s actually done?

To find what Obama has done thus far to further the cause of peace in the world is like desperately needing to find a needle in a hundred haystacks.  After all, in February, he hadn’t even been at his desk in the Senate but a few days since he was elected since he had pretty much started running for president from his first day in the Senate.

And since then he has promised to meet without conditions any number of bloodstained dictators, principally Iran which is a betrayal of Israel, and at the same time betraying our new allies like Poland and the Czech Republic by renigging on the promised missle defense system.

How do these things further the cause of Peace?

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