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Month: February 2021

My Screenplay, “Looking for Morning” Is A Finalist at April Film Festival

Branson International Film Festival

On Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021, I received exciting news that my screenplay entitled “Looking for Morning” has been selected as a finalist for “Best Screenplay” in the 2021 Branson International Film Festival, to be held in Branson, MO, April 22-24.

“Looking for Morning” is one of 25 finalists. Since it is a film festival, the focus will be on the exhibition of finished films, but this is an honor nonetheless.

Writing is a solitary pursuit and it’s difficult to know if your work is worthwhile without feedback, and self-doubt is an ever-present temptation, so it’s gratifying and thrilling to know that a panel of judges read “Looking for Morning” and found it worthy of elevating to finalist.

You can read the synopsis here.

I wrote the first draft of “Looking for Morning” with the working title “Preacher” about 30 years ago. It was actually considered by Turner Network Television (TNT) back when it was about the only basic cable network doing its own production of TV movies. They decided to pass.

I entered the screenplay in the festival several months ago and pretty much forgot about it, thinking it was unlikely I would be selected. Now that it has been included in the finalists, I have no illusions about winning, but it may be that its designation as a finalist will garner it some attention from producers in a position to produce it.

Fingers crossed!

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John Kerry’s Promised Green Jobs

(Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata from Pexels)

In a recent Daily Wire article, the point was made that if you quadrupled the current output of wind and solar “renewable” energy in the US, it would still only provide 25% of our electrical energy needs. I don’t know if this even accounted for the increase in electrical energy required if all vehicles (including airplanes) were required to be electric.

As of 2019, less than 2% of the vehicles on the road in the United States are plugin electrics (using no fossil fuels, hybrids don’t count). But that is what the Biden administration apparently intends: for no fossil fuels to be available. Currently, wind and solar provide less than 10% of our ELECTRICAL energy needs, never mind replacing all the energy needed for the more than 280 million mostly gasoline-powered vehicles on the road today and 17 million more are sold each year.

Do we think that President Biden, Climate Czar Kerry and especially climate alarmist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have any idea of the herculean task they are demanding by requiring the US to be weaned off fossil fuels? Of course they don’t. But that may not be a problem for them.

The Daily Wire article was mainly commenting on Kerry’s tone-deaf statement that flying on a private jet to receive a Climate Change award “is the only choice for me.” This pulls back the curtain from the fact that YOU and I will have to give up fossil fuels and other conveniences for Climate Change, but elites will be deemed too important to be inconvenienced and will be allowed “carbon offsets” so their lifestyles won’t change.

I guess it’s true that “some animals are more equal than others,” according to George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

I wrote Backlash and Backlash 2: Justice Denied to explore what happens to the US economy when gasoline prices are $6.00 per gallon. Find out more here:

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