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Month: April 2020

Six Good Things Coming From the Covid-19 Pandemic

There’s plenty of bad news because of the Covid-19 outbreak and the restrictions that have been put in place to combat it, but it occurs to me that there are also some good things that will descend from it as well.

  1. Hand Washing Is Vital to Staying Healthy. It has always been true that our hands carry disease, but it’s been surprisingly recently that it was truly understood and promoted. It was just 1867 when the “germ theory” of disease became accepted and it is said that, during the Civil War, seven soldiers died of disease for each one who died on the battlefield partly because surgeons didn’t know the importance of washing their hands. During this time, we are encouraged to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds to kill the virus, which length of time was news to me.
  2. Continue reading Six Good Things Coming From the Covid-19 Pandemic

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