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Month: December 2017

My “Goodreads” Review of “Reclaiming Science from Darwinism”

Reclaiming Science from Darwinism: A Clear Understanding of Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent DesignReclaiming Science from Darwinism: A Clear Understanding of Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design by Kenneth Poppe

A career science teacher, Poppe is probably written off by many as “not a real scientist”, but his experience of science “where the rubber meets the road” makes him much less credulous than some whose specialties won’t let them see the forest for the trees.
He makes a convincing case for the problem of there being too little time since the Big Bank for chance and luck to form even a simple protein without guidance, much less a complicated organism like a human being.
Committed Darwinists may scoff, but the onus is on them to demonstrate with more than paintings of dinosaurs and cavemen how, technically, those hundreds of thousands of genetic changes came about, without resorting to Lamarckian “just-so stories”.

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